Nearly all orders will leave our warehouse the same business day if they are placed before 5PM ET. Orders placed on weekends or holidays won't ship until the following business day.
Items that are custom-made or on backorder will ship by the date indicated on the item page. We'll also remind you of their expected ship by dates during checkout and in your order confirmation.
We'll email you tracking as soon as it's available and final delivery will be through UPS or USPS. Once your order leaves our warehouse, tracking is typically updated within 24 hours. At times, it may seem like the package isn't moving, but your order will be delivered by the date promised during checkout.
During the holidays, our carriers do their best to deliver your package on time, but we can't foresee any possible delays or problems. Our advice – place your order as early as possible.
If you've already placed your order, please use our Order Lookup page. Enter your order number (omit the dash: 12345678, not 12345678-1) and billing address zip code to see the expected delivery date. Your order will ship at least 1 business day before your expected delivery date.
You can also sign in to your Uncommon Goods account and select "Track & Manage Orders" to view your order history and order status.
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