We can help you set up your order to use your international credit card and ship it to a US address. Since this will be treated as a domestic order, the international options won't be available for it.
To place your order, start by clicking the flag at the bottom of our homepage and selecting United States. Then, add your items to the shopping cart and proceed to checkout. You'll need to follow a specific format for your billing address, so please enter your actual address in the required fields. While the billing address won't be verified, you'll still be able to continue with the process.
Address Line 1: Building / Street Information (e.g., 1234 Main St.)
Address Line 2: City, Province / Region (e.g., Montreal, Quebec)
City: Country (e.g., Canada)
State: Alabama (use AL as the default state)
ZIP: Postal Code (e.g., H3Z 2J8)
If you run into any trouble placing this order, please reach out to our customer service team for assistance.
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