We take pride in offering unique, handmade products, which is why we don’t typically have site-wide promotions or discounts. We truly hope you think of us when searching for that special, handmade gift for someone you care about.
What makes Uncommon Goods special compared to larger retailers is the quality and distinctiveness of our items, along with the exceptional customer service we provide. This is why recipients are always excited to receive gifts from us.
We do add new items to our sale section regularly, with discounts ranging from 10-70% off the original price.
Uncommon Perks
Through our Perks program, you can enjoy free Standard shipping to any US address (including Alaska and Hawaii) for a whole year. If you’d like to learn more or sign up, please visit Uncommon Perks.
If you’re shopping with us for the first time, we’d like to offer you a one-time $5 credit when you sign up for updates via email or SMS. You should receive your credit right away, but if it doesn’t show up after a few minutes, feel free to reach out to customer service. To find out more about signing up, click here.
Don’t forget to add reminders for birthdays, anniversaries, and any other special occasions to your account. We’ll send you an email a month in advance, along with a $5 credit for your first reminder.
- Only one credit can be applied per purchase.
- Customers need to have a minimum of $40 in their cart to use a credit.
- Credits are not valid for international orders.
While some coupon sites might list discount codes for Uncommon Goods, please note that these won’t work on our site. Since we can’t control what’s posted online, we appreciate it when our marketing team and customers let us know about these codes so we can take action. If you come across any, please email customer service with the code and the website link – we’d be very grateful!
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