Most of our items are readily available and will ship out quickly. Once you enter your shipping address, you’ll be able to see the shipping options, costs, and the expected delivery date for your order. For more details about shipping options and costs, feel free to check out this link.
For made-to-order items, shipping might take a little longer. You can find the expected shipping date on the item page and during the checkout process. After selecting your shipping option at checkout, you’ll also see the expected delivery date.
Keep in mind that the expected delivery date for items that require a proof may change based on when the proof is approved.
If an item is backordered, it will ship at a later date, and we’ll let you know before you add it to your cart.
If an item is out of stock, it won’t be available to add to your cart, but you can enter your email address on the item page, and we’ll notify you when it’s back in stock.
During the holidays, we recommend ordering as early as possible. Although our carriers work hard to deliver on time, there may be unforeseen delays, so your order could arrive later than expected.
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